Sri Balarama Rasayatra



ЁЯТХЁЯТЩ ЁЯТХToday is the day of the commemoration of spring and the auspicious rasa dance of Lord Balarama with His cowherd girlfriends. It is also the day of Sri Krishna Vasanta Rasa, of Lord rasa lila pastimes of spring. Krishna Vasanta rasa takes place in Vaisakha Purnima, which is also the moment that Balarama performs His rasa dance with the gopis.
In order to keep the gopis satisfied in Vrndavana, Lord Balarama remained there continuously for two months, that is, the months of Caitra and Vaisakha, during those two months He stayed among the gopis and spent the whole night with them in the forest of Vrndavana in order to satisfy their desire for conjugal love, so Balarama also enjoyed the rasa dance with the gopis during those two months. ЁЯТХЁЯТЩЁЯТХ

(Krishna Book II p.78)


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