SAMVAD between Ticket Checking staff of Ambala division complaint free and convenient services to its passengers.



Organisation of SAMVAD between Ticket Checking staff of Ambala division and Commercial Officers.

Today under the able guidance and directions of Worthy Divisional Railway Manager Sh. G.M Singh, Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager Sh. Hari Mohan convened a meeting with ticket checking staff of Ambala and Chandigarh Head quarters to make them aware about the aims & objectives of the commercial branch in order to provide the complaintfree and convenient services to its passengers.

It was emphasized that being frontline staff of Railways their attitude and approach are decisive to determine the image of railways in the eye of passengers.

Sr.DCM also appreciated the efforts of all staff being done relentlessly from last eight/nine months which has yielded record ticket checking earnings for the division.

They were also imparted to have patience while working even in adverse situation and remain devoted and dedicated towards their’s duty.

Staff was also encouraged to promote cleanliness awareness among passengers during their duty at trains and stations.

Station director Sh. B.S Gill , CMI Sh. Pankaj Goel and CTI Ambala were present during SAMVAD and extended their gratitude to Commercial officers for recognising their efforts and appreciating them.

Hari Mohan


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